You want to run a simple local HTTP Server on your local PC. You want to test your html, js,… files locally.
Here is the easiest way to do it.

1. Using SimpleHTTPServer

Create your test folder, move all your html, js files to that folder.

$ mkdir test
$ cd test

Check your python version

$ python --version

If you have Python version 2, run SimpleHTTPServer using

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1313

If you have Python version 3, using

$ python -m http.server 1313

You will have your local HTTP Server running in port 1313. Using your Web Browser and access to http://localhost:1313/

2. Using http-server

If you are more familiar with Node.js, http-server is your choice. If you are new to Node.js, why not give it a try.

Take 1 minute to go to Node.js homepage to download and install it.
Install http-server using:

$ npm install http-server -g

Go under the folder you want to serve your files and setup your local server by running this command:

$ http-server ./ -p 1313 

Now you have your local HTTP Server running in port 1313. Using your Web Browser and access to http://localhost:1313/